
Private Forest Management

The Minnesota DNR Forest Stewardship Program helps woodland owners manage their woods through advice and education, cost-share programs, and Woodland Stewardship Plans. The DNR works through a statewide network of DNR, public, and private foresters specially trained in forest stewardship. The DNR program is ready to help you achieve your woodland goals, whether it is to create wildlife habitat, increase natural beauty, improve trails, enhance environmental benefits, or harvest timber.

Learn more about managing private forest land.

Where can I find information about the DNR’s Forest Stewardship Program?

Forest Stewardship

What will you do with your woodland? Decisions you make now about your woodland, wildlife management, harvesting trees, or controlling invasive species will influence the character of your woodland for many years  into the future.

Woodland Stewardship: A Practical Guide for Midwestern Landowners

Is there a training curriculum available for private woodland owners interested in becoming better stewards of their woods?

Master Woodland Owner 

Where can I find an approved list of consulting foresters who can write a stewardship plan for my woods?

 DNR Forester Contact Map for Woodland Assistance

Is there a reference handbook about the region of Minnesota in which I live, that explains forest related challenges in my area and tips for managing my woods? 

Woodlands of Minnesota Landowner Handbook 

I am looking for a landowner organization that focuses on engaging women in woodland management. 

Minnesota Women & Minnesota Woods 

Is there money available to help share the costs of forest stewardship projects on my land?

Cost-share for Woodland Owners 

Where can I find information about the Sustainable Forest Initiative Act (SFIA) and its annual incentive payment program for forest management?

Sustainable Forest Incentive Act (SFIA)

What are conservation easements and where can I get more information about them?

Conservation Easements 

Who do I contact in my area about the Minnesota Forest Stewardship Program?

Forestry Region Contacts 

How do I apply for a 2c Managed Forest in order to obtain a special classification tax rate?

2c Managed Forest Classification Tax Rate 


Itasca County Shoreland Guide 

Private Forestry Management Itasca Waters