The Series starts Feb 6th at 12:00- 1:00 pm with an interesting topic: Invasive Freshwater Jellyfish - Why are They Increasing So Fast and What Do They Do in Lakes? Presented by: Dr Beatrix Beisner, Dept of Biological Sciences, University of Quebec at Montreal. She has over 30 years of experience in limnology with expertise on lake ecology, plankton communities, spatial ecology, functional traits and biodiversity.
Remember the Series is Online and Free - but you must Register. Click here to register for any of the topics.
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UMN Researchers Study Waves Created by Recreational Boats
Wednesday 16, February 2022
UMN Boat-Generated Wake Study: A group of researchers have found that popular wake surf boats require a greater distance from the shoreline and other boats compared to more typical recreational boats. Join a virtual webinar Feb 16th at 7:00 pm for an overview of research, findings and next steps.
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